Celebrate the Small Victories….Go Get Ice Cream!
We all wake up each day with a TO-DO list for the urgent items in our lives. We have lists for personal and professional goals of the day. Actually, I even have a to-do list for everyone around me! We get so caught up in DOING that we can lose sight of BEING. “Being” can relate to being … in the moment… being focused on the long term goal… being true to our values … being aware that… IT’S TIME TO GO GET ICE CREAM. We have got to celebrate the small victories of each day and week. Forgetting to celebrate allows small setbacks to put you WAY back. In particular, I learned through losing how to celebrate winning. I have also learned how to organize an effective to-do list.
I am thankful to have received really good advice about goal setting and managing a day. It is so important to set short term, long term, and intermediate goals. As a matter of fact, I have actually developed a handy Pocket Production Planner (“The P-3”) that reminds me what the goals are daily and weekly. It also helps me with any realignment that may be needed along the way. What I have learned during this process is that the goals must align mostly with your to-do list. When you can see that your to-do list matches your long term accomplishment list then you know you are closer to straighten the sting of your life. Please remember that when you accomplish the TO-DO item that results in reaching your major goal, GO GET ICE CREAM!
*contact me for info on the P-3