It is CAMP time y’all!

It’s time for camp y’all!

This is by far my favorite week of the year! However, do not get it confused! There is so much that  goes into the preparation!  Our staff does the best job in making sure each camper has the most positive experience ever!  Actually, they work their tails off to make sure I have the most positive experience ever! You see, everyone knows how much I love teaching the basics of the game, and camp week allows me that opportunity.  For us “older”(or let’s say more experienced) coaches, camp is where we learned how to coach and teach.  It’s where we networked and shared with other coaches across the country.  It’s what we did every summer, and it’s also what allowed us to pay a few bills.

Every year around this time I become reflective of the past, and then I remind myself that it’s camp week…the BEST week of the year!

This is a big part of what defines us as being not just a coach, but a TEACHER!  So, I’m ready to reach, share and sharpen my teaching of the game I love so very much!

THANKS to everyone that has worked so hard to make our camp the best!  And thanks to all of the parents and coaches who are traveling to Greenville, NC next week and allowing me to pour into your kiddos!

LET’S GO…influence+impacters!